
Posts Tagged ‘lesbians’

My local paper published a poem, written by somebody describing herself as a “poet and garden designer”. The poem was commissioned by a local church for their annual Pride service. The poem reviews this person’s life, examining her feelings and emotions as a Lesbian. She talks about finding a “new tribe in a new city” and how her new community has lifted her spirits. So far so good. Then this paragraph:

“2 Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Non-binary, Black, indigenous, people of colour; all deserving of dignity, these magnificent rainbow tapestries….”

And I thought, how presumptuous of this “poet” to include Blacks, Indigenous and people of colour in the same spectrum as the collection of sexual orientations! I wonder what a black or indigenous person would think, seeing their particular group in this collection? It is maddening how the woke movement feels they have a right to trumpet every cause and aggrieved issue, whether or not they have a personal connection.

The plethora of rainbow flags and banners throughout Prince Edward County is becoming quite silly. I always thought gays just wanted to be accepted into mainstream society and feel a part of the general community. To be accepted for their point of view and ideas. To just be a friend. This insane public display has the potential to drive people away, and frankly, to embarrass gays and lesbians who come here to experience the fruits of the County without being made conscious of their gender or orientation. I’ve never labelled people for their sexual orientation or made a big deal about it. But now, this community in which I live, is making me more and more conscious of the issue, and in a negative way. It’s already difficult for the “old timers” to adjust to the hordes of tourists invading this island paradise every summer. Now they have to also contend with a woke movement that wants to trumpet its sexual orientation? And do what exactly? Change what? I was getting along fine with everybody before the rainbow coalition decided it had to assert its presence like a sledgehammer. Meh!

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