
Posts Tagged ‘multiculturalism’

Time for a few snippets from my latest read ‘America Alone’ by Mark Steyn. Granted, Steyn is an avowed right wing conservative hawk. But he does make some astute observations about the decline of the west. His principal thrust provides that simple demographics will be the end of western culture. He presents statistics which purport to support (weird word usage, but cool!) that we, as in Caucasian Christians, will succumb to Islam eventually, because of our multicultural open societies and our inability to breed at a rate which Muslim societies and their emigrants to the west bring into the welcoming west. Basically, if a Caucasian couple has 1.2 children and a Muslim couple has 4.5 kids, well….. do the math. This book was written in the ‘circle the wagons’ hysteria following 9/11 so take that into consideration as you read these quotes. Anyways, here are the snippets that caught my eye.

That’s why the Church of England and the Episcopal Church and the Congregational Church and the United Church of Canada and many others are sinking beneath the bog of their own relativist mush, while Islam is the West’s fastest growing religion. There’s no market for a faith that has no faith in itself.

If you believe a nation is the collective, accumulated wisdom of a shared past, then a dependence on immigration alone for population replenishment will leave you lost and diminished.

Almost by definition, secularism cannot be a future: it’s a present-tense culture that over time disconnects a society from cross-generational purpose. Which is why there are no examples of sustained atheist civilizations. “Atheistic humanism” became inhumanism in the hands of the Fascists and Communists and, in its less malign form in today’s European Union, a kind of dehumanism in which a present tense culture amuses itself to extinction. Post-Christian European culture is already post-cultural and, with its surging Muslim populations, will soon be post-European.

Even if a Muslim wanted to, how would he assimilate with, say, Canadian national identity? You can’t assimilate with a nullity, which is what the modern multicultural state boils down to. It’s much easier to dismantle a society than to put anything new and lasting in its place. And across much of the developed world that’s what’s going on right now. Multiculturalism makes a nation no more than a holding pen. In the absence of cultural confidence, demography will decide the future.

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