
Posts Tagged ‘Fractals’

Is it just coincidence or do more satisfying things happen when one’s cannabis consumption and alcohol intake are drastically reduced? I’m certainly noticing the difference. What with the awkward divorce I’m embroiled in and the corresponding necessity of carefully monitoring finances, I’ve radically cut back on both escapist/enhancement modalities. Obviously there is more cohesion in my thinking and strategies but it’s something more. Something different. A kind of calm and Zen has descended over me. At times it can be troublesome in that it directs my energies into what may seem to others like selfish tunnel vision. But rest assured it is not myopic. I simply feel more confident. I’m just finding it easier to move along, to accept in simplistic language; ‘it is what it is’. Don’t get me wrong. I still love the alternate pathways that alcohol and cannabis (and any mind bending substances for that matter) bring to one’s consciousness. They just don’t suit me at this moment. It may also have a lot to do with the fact I live at the end of the road, literally. In the forest. Near the river. Surrounded by nature and its multifarious calming sounds and sights.

Which brings me in a roundabout way to this excellent essay by Sam Pyrah in ‘The Guardian’ health & wellbeing section. (I’m not making it easy, if you want to pursue this line of reasoning you’ll find it!) This link between nature and our mental health is more than just speculation. There is a developing science establishing “a clear connection between nature and brain function”. One intriguing concept is the role of fractals in actually boosting cognitive skills. “Fractals – naturally occurring patterns that are repeated at different scales within a structure, such as a snowflake, a fern or a tree – have been found to elicit soft fascination……processed more fluently by the brain….urban settings are typically less fractal, with more hard edges and straight lines….crowds, adverts, social media pings – clamouring for your attention and you can see why they could be more taxing on the brain.”

It’s a fascinating read, look for it! Have a fascinating fractal filled day y’all!

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