
Posts Tagged ‘anti-vaxxer’

I was just watching the good old cbc news and the news bar at bottom just flashed something from the ontario science council. They now submit that the vaccine efficacy has dropped to 15%. Not quite believing my eyes, I rewound the item and sure enough it’s what I read. That is exactly what they now say. So this much applauded mRNA that provided me with up to 90% efficacy has now plummeted to 15%??!! And I’m the guy that believed this would revolutionize the world, possibly give us a cure for cancer. Anybody else out there see this? Because if that is true, it begs the question. Why should I keep getting booster shots if the efficacy drops off all the time? What’s the point of feeling semi-safe when you are out and about, when pubs and other social settings are so constrained by capacity rules that it negates the entire social experience. Even fully vaccinated I only have up to 90% chance of staying out of the hospital. Am I willing to run that 10% risk? It makes one wonder if the entire vaccination freight train is just a ploy of big pharma to keep us coming back while they jack up shareholder value. Is this going to be our new normal, queue up to get an appointment for a booster, in the meantime hide away at home because your old vaccine shots have so degraded, it is now dangerous to go outside. I tell ya, those anti-vaxxers are starting to look just a little bit less lunatic.

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